I'm not sure how many archway pictures I took yesterday at the Bethesda Arcade, but I took even more today. How is that possible, you might ask? I get in a trance and snap away. I can't help myself. I must have lived in southern France or Spain, Turkey, North Africa or Moghul India in one of my past lives. I feel completely at home in that style of architecture. If I ever get to build my own house, it will have archways inside.
While I was taking pictures, my family had a snack...or waited by a heater vent until I finished.
Besides the structure of the building, I loved seeing the tapestries. To see the Unicorn Tapestries in real life is special. I think I saw other medieval tapestries in London a few summers ago. But the unicorn is magical. It is hard to get a good photo since you can't use a flash and the room is dark in order to preserve them. What must it have been like to work on them, I wonder?
The stained glass was beautiful as well.
But one of the sweetest things about today was watching the nuns taking pictures of each other. It was endearing. I had enough sense to just observe them and keep my camera down. One of Selim's favorite was a flamingo adorned chasuble, Italian, Venice late 15, early 16th Century.
Lastly, there were a few statues and sculptures that I liked.
The NYC family guidebook led me astray in that they said the gift shop had armor to purchase. We didn't see any. However, Selim got a sward and a T-shirt and seemed happy with that.
Before driving back, we walked around the outside and took even more pictures.
A view of the GW Bridge |
It would be a different experience had I not been keeping an eye on my nine year old. Don't touch...be careful...Selim!...were frequently spoken. Had I been by myself, I could have had a more contemplative experience. But today, it was OK that I had one eye on the art and one eye my guy. His world view expanded with new images, art works, and architecture.