Lucky moms, all three of us. |
I have such ambivalent feelings about Mother's Day. On the one had I love it. I have a great Mom, step-Mom, sister who is a mom, sister-in-law who is a mom and I'm a mom. We get to call each other and celebrate the day. Then on the other side of the coin is all the pain that is associated with this day. All the years I wanted to be a mom, desperately, and wasn't. The moms who have lost their children and can't celebrate this day like others. Or women who have lost their mothers and can't call them to say hello. And then to all the women who want to be mothers and haven't been able to become one. This day can be so bitter sweet. It is not all flowers and butterflies.
For me, I'm so fortunate. I've had a great weekend with my kid. Yesterday, we supported each other in activities that we love. Because his dad was busy, Selim came to the monthly Seacoast Modern Quilt Guild meeting with me in W. Newbury, MA. I've never been on that particular stretch of Rt. 113 and my oh my are there some beautiful houses to be seen. It was a fun meeting -- trunk show and talk by Amy Friend, who blogs under the name
During Quiet Time. She has just written a book
Intentional Piecing and she brought the projects from the book. It was really fun to see all her work up close and personal.
On the way home, we stopped at our local sports gear shop and bought thinner shin guards and athletic tape. We got home in time to eat lunch, get on appropriately colored shorts and t-shirt (since he hasn't gotten his uniform), and gel his hair before getting back in the car and driving to his first ever soccer game. It was a good experience for him. He subbed in both halves. He felt reasonably comfortable out there. His team lost, but that is part of competition (unless you are the UConn Women's basketball team).
Pre-game talk from the refs |
Taking in the flags at the end of the game |
I sat on the sidelines, on the grass, the only parent who did not have a big canvass or mesh captain's chair. Clearly, I am the novice in the group. Today, Selim and I went to Target and I got my very own chair. Understanding all the requirements of a soccer mom is going to take some time. I think the weather is supposed to be nicer this week. Sitting on cold, wet grass isn't the most fun thing ever, but I survived.
Selim started this soccer thing on Wednesday. It was 43 and raining. Nedim kept telling me that practice would be cancelled. I would shake my head and tell him that we were going. He could stay home but Selim and I were not going to let the rain stop his first practice. I've waited years for him to agree to be part of an organized sporting team. Cold and wet weren't going to deter us.
Ready for his first practice |
Huddling to keep warm |
Father and son |
But man, it was cold. Practice lasted an hour and a half. The kids were warm as they were running and doing drills. Nedim and I were sitting on a wet metal bench. I wouldn't let him go to the car to warm up because he was blocking the wind. After an hour, he had enough and since the boys were moving to a different part of the field, we left the bench and stood on the sidelines. I was so cold.
At the end of practice, Selim ran off the field with the biggest smile and rosy cheeks. It made me happy to see the excitement and satisfaction on his face.
Part-way through practice photo, while there was light. |
Frozen mom, hot kid. |
He was nervous before hand, but he overcame that and had a great time. I'm looking forward to this soccer mom thing. May it continue to be fun and challenging for him.