Hard to believe that Osama Bin Laden was found and killed. He had been living in a compound outside on Islamabad in Pakistan. The Washington Post has this report. All of the news outlets have been having non-stop coverage.
I was asleep last night when the news broke. On my drive to work, I was listening to ESPN radio and only got the basketball and baseball scores. That should teach me to check in with NPR first. Although at 4:30 it is usually an arts program from the BBC.
In other news, Nedim got the boat in the water this weekend. I have such a love/hate relationship with that water craft. The expression sports widow doesn't apply to me, but boat widow does. It is a total guy domain and I can't stand it. It is a money pit and that drives me crazy as well. Since I have such an attitude about it, I can understand why Nedim doesn't appear to want me to spend time with him on the boat, and that just makes me even more mad. If I lightened up about it, he might encourage me to hang out with him more often. We'll see.
Selim received his orange belt in karate last week. I love watching him grow in his discipline and enthusiasm. He is very proud of his accomplishment and so am I. When he turns seven in October he will graduate to the big kid/adult class and I can't wait for that. He will do better watching the bigger kids and their ability to concentrate.
I have a feeling that the summer season of overtime will be coming to an end soon. I worked both Saturday and Sunday this weekend, trying to make a bit extra to put away for our possible trip to Istanbul this summer. I really hope we all get to go.
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