For years I kept journals -- in composition, spiral bound, and French graph paper books. This blog is an attempt to get back to writing and documenting the world around me using photos, newspaper headlines, and other articles.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

So I don't forget

Yesterday Selim and I spent two hours in Portsmouth, just noodling around.  We went to the sticker store for graduation themed stickers, Ceres Bakery for a pesto flat and chocolate chip cookie, the chocolate store so that I could get a sweet, and then down to Prescott Park to see if the fountains were spouting.

We had so much fun being together.  The fountains were putting forth their water and in the smaller group of three, Selim stuck his hands down into the basins that were 1/2 way full of cold water.  He took the pennies that others had tossed in and re-tossed them, aiming for a particular part/feature of the fountain.  I told him that he couldn't take the money out of the fountain and home because that would bring us bad luck.  Don't know if it is true, but that was my story and I stuck to it.

After successful coin tossing in each of the three fountains, we headed over to the grassy area and the whale sculpture.  There was a man in a large family group that had a great bubble maker wand and he sat on a bench and made bubbles for all the kids.  Riding the whale didn't hold much appeal once the bubbles started floating past his head.  The river breeze was pretty sincere and the bubbles didn't stay low to the ground for very long.  They were great for chasing.

On the way home, we had the windows rolled down, and we sang together to our favorite songs by Alison Krauss and then Adele.  When I pulled into the driveway, I looked back at Selim and told him, "I am so happy that we can enjoy each other's company like this and have fun.  I'm grateful, really.  There will be a day when you are a teenager, or before that you won't want to hang out with me like this."

"That's not going happen."

"It will.  You will want to be independent and not hang out with your mom."

"I don't think so."

Super endearing to have him feel like that.  I didn't bring my camera, so I couldn't document our adventure.  But his sweet smile is staying with me.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day

Taking a moment this morning to remember those who gave their lives for this great country.  Driving back from Sudbury last night I was struck by the number of overpasses that were covered with American flags.  To those who serve, both in the military and with the diplomatic corps, US AID and the other organizations at home and abroad -- thank you.

While running a 4 mile loop this morning (boo-yeah, 4 miles!) I thought about the Memorial Days when family has gathered.  After my graduation we drove down to Aunt Mary and Uncle Dean's in PA.  Hand churning ice cream and berry pies were consumed in great quantities.  Tyler's graduation where he gave the student address.  He spoke of Grampy Marion, who neither of us met, and from all accounts was a man of generosity and kindness.  I wish he had lived long enough to be able to play with his grandchildren and for us to get to know him.  And then yesterday, we gathered for Kathryn's high school graduation.

I wasn't going to go down there yesterday.  I was feeling so blue, that I couldn't imagine putting out the effort to get in the car and drive.  I spent most of Saturday curled up in the fetal position, trying not to cry.  Sunday I managed to go for a run and that helped.  In the coolness of the morning, Nedim dug up the azalea in front and replanted in the back.  He put down the black plastic in rows for the tomatoes and the rest of the veggies.  Selim and I then planted the tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, peppers, melon and squash.  Everything that I bought at Salmon Falls nursery got planted.  I still have a few tomatoes that I started from seed, to put in the ground, but at least what I paid for is in. Getting the plants in the ground started lifting my spirits.

At 11:00 Heather called to say that she was going to hit the road and go to the party.  Since I was in the garden, I missed her call.  When I got in at 11:30 I had a decision to make.  Selim wanted to go, so I mustered the energy to shower and then got in the car. 

I'm so happy we went.  It was so sweet to spend five hours with the extended family.  The weather was perfect, the food tasty and the conversation was great.  We were sitting in lawn chairs in a big circle.  People would come and go, so the topics of conversation were always changing. 

Joshua was very helpful with the ice bucket.  He would come around and put ice in  your cup.  So sweet.

Selim spent hours at the tetherball pole.  First Nan played, the Grampy, Aunt Jen and others -- all got roped into playing with him.  Made me think we should put one of those in our yard.

Susan and family have put so much effort into the landscaping around the house.  The flowers are just beautiful. 

And at times,  I wandered around taking pictures of the different family groups. 

And then there were the bunnies.

It was a beautiful day and it lifted my spirits.  I told Selim on the way home how grateful I was that he helped me garden in the morning and then encouraged me to make the drive.  I would have been wallowing in my sadness, if he had not made a conscious effort to help me.  I'm so grateful for his effort, kindness, and love.  I'm such a lucky mom.

Sunday, May 20, 2012


Today was a beach day.  We lingered in the morning, waiting to hear from Nedim, if he needed a ride from the bus.  He had taken the midnight bus from NY to home.  Good thing we waited because the call came at 7:45.  We picked him up and then he put my bike and the tandem bike piece on the back of my car.

By 8:30, Selim and I were headed to Rye.  We got to Jenness Beach at 9:00 and the parking lot was full already.  A surfing contingent from Quebec had taken many of the spaces in the lot and big RV's along side the road.  Luckily, there was a space on the road, in the first section after the beach parking lot.  The bonus of finding a road spot is that you don't have to keep an eye on the time due to the metered parking in the lot.

First up for us, biking.  The extra wide edges of the road fill up with cars as the morning wears on.  I wanted to bike for about a 1/2 hour.  Selim thought that was way too long.  We biked about three miles, past the Rye Harbor State Park picnic area, Washington Street that leads the way to our old apartment building, the angel sculpture to Pete's Lobster place.  We turned around in that parking lot.  Then we biked back.  Totaldistance, 6 miles and time, 34.23.  Not bad for our first tandem of the season. 

Selim was pulled the pout routine when we got off the bike.  He got in his car seat and said that he never wanted to bike and he just wanted to go home.  I guess he wasn't as thrilled with the length of the ride as I was.  I cajoled him to walking the short distance to the beach.  The bathrooms were open, so we were able to change into our bathing suits.  That was the main reason we didn't go to Wallis Sands -- the open bathrooms.

We spent most of our time in the water.  Selim had so much fun.  Both of us did.  He has gained so much confidence in the water.  The waves were as high as I remember seeing in our local beaches.  There must have been over 50 surfers.  I enjoyed watching them on their boards.  Some day, in warmer water, I want to try surfing.

At first, Selim ran in the water up to his knees.  The water was cold.  So cold that after a while, my feet cramped.  But he was so joyful, that I didn't want to get out and make him get out He frolicked. Splashed. Yelled. Pointed at all the big waves.  Sometimes, he would get a running start and jump in to the small wave breaks.

Then it was time for the wet suit.  So glad I brought that.  Wearing it enabled him to swim and get in the bigger breaks.  I wish all of the pictures were in better focus, but I find it hard to see the image when I'm wearing sunglasses and the sun is bright.

After a while I put the camera away and got my hair wet.  I think this is the earliest that I have ever been swimming in the ocean.  Selim is so fun when he gets in the water.  As soon as he gets in, he screams -- from the power of the waves, the cold, excitement.  I'm amazed he has a voice tonight at all.  At one point, he started yelling, "Oh no, my perfect hair.  My perfect hair!" Huh?  Once he put on his wet suit, he told me that he was happy that his bad attitude earlier hadn't ruined this perfect day.  "What was I thinking, not wanting to come to the beach?  I LOVE THE BEACH!"

Before we left we took the obligatory mother and son photo.  I love our collection of pictures that we have taken at the beach over the years.  We have had perfect days at the beach, my Lovey Lamb and I.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

New Gup ranks

Selim and I had successful karate tests today.  I went from 9th Gup yellow belt to 8th Gup orange.  Selim went from 8th Gup orange to 7th Gup advanced orange, or as we say, orange with a stripe.  I found this test to be easier than the previous -- probably because I knew what to expect.  I didn't have the anxiety and I felt more confident in the movements.  When it came time to break the board, I did an axe kick.  It was a good one and I broke the board on the first try.  Selim broke his with a front kick.  The orange with a stripe group tried running, jumping side kicks.  Selim wished he could have tried that.  I told him that next test, he can ask for that.  Quite impressive, seeing these young kids take flying leaps to kick a board in half.

I had been sad thinking that I would be missing so many classes and getting left behind once I start my new job on second shift.  I told Mr. Hebert that pretty soon I won't be able to attend night classes.  He told me that most weeks he has a lunch time class with just a few folks and that I would be welcome to join.  What a nice surprise!  One less thing I have to give up once I start second shift.

I'm parent on duty this weekend while Nedim is in NY.  There was a Turkish parade today and he wanted to go.  He ended up riding the parade route in a cart, handing/tossing out T-shirts.  He said he had fun.  Oh really, what a surprise, my hubby in the center of the action, speaking his native language and having a good time.  I am not surprised.  I'm glad that he is enjoying himself.  His life will change as well once I switch shifts and then it always possible to accommodate these adventures.