For years I kept journals -- in composition, spiral bound, and French graph paper books. This blog is an attempt to get back to writing and documenting the world around me using photos, newspaper headlines, and other articles.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

So I don't forget

Yesterday Selim and I spent two hours in Portsmouth, just noodling around.  We went to the sticker store for graduation themed stickers, Ceres Bakery for a pesto flat and chocolate chip cookie, the chocolate store so that I could get a sweet, and then down to Prescott Park to see if the fountains were spouting.

We had so much fun being together.  The fountains were putting forth their water and in the smaller group of three, Selim stuck his hands down into the basins that were 1/2 way full of cold water.  He took the pennies that others had tossed in and re-tossed them, aiming for a particular part/feature of the fountain.  I told him that he couldn't take the money out of the fountain and home because that would bring us bad luck.  Don't know if it is true, but that was my story and I stuck to it.

After successful coin tossing in each of the three fountains, we headed over to the grassy area and the whale sculpture.  There was a man in a large family group that had a great bubble maker wand and he sat on a bench and made bubbles for all the kids.  Riding the whale didn't hold much appeal once the bubbles started floating past his head.  The river breeze was pretty sincere and the bubbles didn't stay low to the ground for very long.  They were great for chasing.

On the way home, we had the windows rolled down, and we sang together to our favorite songs by Alison Krauss and then Adele.  When I pulled into the driveway, I looked back at Selim and told him, "I am so happy that we can enjoy each other's company like this and have fun.  I'm grateful, really.  There will be a day when you are a teenager, or before that you won't want to hang out with me like this."

"That's not going happen."

"It will.  You will want to be independent and not hang out with your mom."

"I don't think so."

Super endearing to have him feel like that.  I didn't bring my camera, so I couldn't document our adventure.  But his sweet smile is staying with me.

1 comment:

  1. You know, bethany, even with two boys now over ten, they still like to be with parents. Will still yearns for the morning hug when he is rubbing the sleepies out of his eyes, and John - all six feet plus - thinks it is a good thing to have us check on him before we go to bed. Those are precious and tender moments for a parent, regardless of gender.
