For years I kept journals -- in composition, spiral bound, and French graph paper books. This blog is an attempt to get back to writing and documenting the world around me using photos, newspaper headlines, and other articles.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

New Routine

Second shift life has begun.  It has been an interesting couple of days.  While part of me is trying to remember how I structured my days for three years when I was on night shift before, I'm also in a different situation.  For these first two weeks, I don't have to be parent on duty for the full morning.  I get Selim off to the school bus, and then I have the rest of the morning to myself.  My goal is to figure out when to nap, eat, exercise -- so when school ends and I've got Selim until I leave for work, my routine will be set.

Monday, during the day, I didn't know what to do with myself.  I rested.  Did chores.  But I felt at loose ends.  It was so weird to be home in the morning all by myself.  My first day on the job went well.  I stayed awake until midnight and drove home safely.  Yesterday I felt woozy in the morning.  I dropped Selim off at the bus and then came back home to bed.  This morning I had a headache, but I put on my running gear before heading out to the bus stop.  After the Selim go on the bus, I ran the 3 mile loop.  That felt great.   I haven't run in over a week.  It was overcast and cool -- perfect temperature for exercising.  When I got home, I went out to the garden and picked kale and spinach for my green drink.  I added lime juice and I like that better than lemon.

So now, I need to pay bills, make something for dinner so that there is food for Mom and Selim tonight.  And I should see if I can rest.  I have these fantasies that I will quilt, garden, run errands and be totally productive.  I think I need to have some patience with my body and not expect that I can just go, go, go from 6:45am when I get Selim up to 12:17am the next day when I get home from work.  There has to be a balance somewhere in that time frame.

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