For years I kept journals -- in composition, spiral bound, and French graph paper books. This blog is an attempt to get back to writing and documenting the world around me using photos, newspaper headlines, and other articles.

Sunday, July 22, 2012


I've got my suitcase and carry-on open on the bed, mostly packed.  I have one pile of little stuff to go through and decide what to put in my purse.  Do I want three herb tea bags with me on the flight?  Looking out my bedroom window I can see the second load of laundry out on the line with one more to hang up in a little bit.  The dishwasher has finished up and needs to be unloaded.  Progress.

I'm nervous, excited, sad, and feeling curious about what the next three weeks will bring.  I'm happy to be returning to London and the Embassy that I know.  I think the city will be crazy packed with all the Olympic spectators.  I don't know how much of the city I will be exploring due to all the extra folks around.  I know that there will be so much security, but I'm nervous about getting on the tube.  I think I will stick to walking and buses when I can.

I'm sad to say goodbye to the family.  I'll only be gone three weeks this time, half of last year's stay.  But still...not seeing my guys for 23 days will be hard.  Selim has a pretty full schedule with time up at the Ashram, friends' lake house, a trip to NY to stay with Aunt Heather and Uncle Stan, and back up to the Ashram for time with Jacob after he returns from Spain.  But Nedim will be mostly manning the home front.  I know that he gets lonely when Selim and I are gone.  I hope that he can maintain good humor for these three weeks.

So, I'm puttering and alternating between the last stage of the Tour d' France and the British Open.  Next up is getting Selim's duffel packed, watering the garden and figuring out how to freeze kale so that all the gorgeous leaves don't go to waste while I am gone.

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