For years I kept journals -- in composition, spiral bound, and French graph paper books. This blog is an attempt to get back to writing and documenting the world around me using photos, newspaper headlines, and other articles.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Parent Volunteer

Working second shift, it would seem like I should be able to spend more time in Selim's classroom.  But it hasn't worked out that way.  Today, I volunteered to make stuffing for their Thanksgiving feast and I knew that would get me in there and participating.  As a class, they have been studying the story of the Pilgrims, Native Americans, and the first Thanksgiving.  For the unit, the kids worked in groups of 4 or so and built structures -- wigwam, meeting house, long house, and others.  And they had made alphabet books with the new words they had learned.  It was so cute!  The kids did a great job of presenting their building and talking about how it was made and the importance of the building and its uses.  I won't post the picture of Selim's group because I don't want to upset any other parent.  But they were super cute in their costumes.  He wore the necklace made out of dear antler that he had made with Robert over Veteran's weekend.

I got to the class in time to help with the headgear.  The Native Americans had made headbands with feathers.  The Pilgrim boys had black construction paper headbands with the buckle looking thing in the center.  The Pilgrim girls had great hats made out of white paper and they were complete when I got there.  I felt like a regular parent as I fit the headbands onto the boys in the class and taped them securely.  I had such a great time.

While the kids enjoyed their feast of turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, cranberry sauce, carrot sticks and cucumber rings, I went outside the classroom to look at the various projects taped to the walls.  The kids had made Mayflower stories:

and written letters as if they lived in the 1600's:

and made a story board of their character.

As impressive as that was, I really liked the class expectations,

and this:

It is such a great classroom and the kids seem really happy.

Did I mention that we woke up to snow this morning?  It was our first here at home.  And of course, I made everybody pose for a picture.  Can't have the first snow of the year go undocumented!

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