Temps reached at least 98 today at the coast. Add the humidity, and it felt like a wall of heat hit me when I went outside after work. Made me wish I had a body of water really close where I could go for a swim. That got me thinking about the Cove...
We instituted a no electronic policy for our boys during our vacation week. Every afternoon the personal electronic devices were put on their respective charges and their owners had to find some other way to amuse themselves. Mostly, we hung out at the cove. Water and sand play is good for hours on entertainment as long as you slather on the sunscreen and reapply frequently. It helps if you are raising a fish, like I am. A few times I had to check him over for gills. He doesn't have any body fat to keep him warm (and I have plenty), however, he stayed in the water longer than I did. As a parent, I was happy watching his exuberant water play.
When not in the water myself, I played with my camera and tried to keep it dry. May be next year I can buy a zoom for it. I sure missed long distance shots that I could get with my previous long lens. Still, I managed to capture some images to help me remember the hot afternoons at the Cove.
Getting warmed up in his Olympic towel. |
I see a quilt pattern here... |
Ready for water action! |
Warming up in the sand; constructing some engineering masterpiece. |
Pose 1 |
Pose 2 |
All is right in his world. |
All the tankers passing by remind me of Istanbul. |
Cousins. |
A moment of calm before the keep away games begin. |
Still life on steps. |
Here I am! |
Snorkeling with Robert |
Still life with shoe. |
Golf ball and wood treasure found when snorkeling. |
Hand stands while waiting for the tennis ball game to continue. |
Bottoms up! 3 ducks go down and show off their tushes. |
Perfect water bubble shot. |
Admiring our pedicures. |
Mom - do you like your new hat? |
Turn about is fair play. |
Sporting our nifty headgear. |
It has been so dry in that area, that the water level in the river was down, noticeably and considerably. I thought a foot, but Doug said more than that. The low water level allowed for easier play for the shorter set. They could stand with their heads above water almost all the way out to the dock. They weren't the best swimming conditions, but the boys had a great time.
May be, at some point in my life, I will be able to walk to water. That would be amazing.
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