For years I kept journals -- in composition, spiral bound, and French graph paper books. This blog is an attempt to get back to writing and documenting the world around me using photos, newspaper headlines, and other articles.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


I started my run this morning with the intention of running as fast as I could for the full three miles.  Having been so close to a personal best on Monday, I wanted to know if I pushed myself, how quickly could I run my loop.  I knew I was going at a good clip when I passed the cemetery in under 20:00.  Chugging up East Watson I was conscious of trying not to slow down too much as the incline grade spread out before me.  The road was slick from a light drizzle this morning and as I was extending my stride on the downhill on Stark, I was concentrating on not slipping.  By the time I turned the corner on Hawthorne, I my face was hot, lungs felt like they were working at maximum capacity, my nose was running and I felt like I was breathing and exhaling really loudly.  I pushed the stop button on my watch at the driveway, looked down and saw this:

Woot!  Yeah baby! 

I know to real runners, my time is laughable.  But I've decided not to be embarrassed about it and to celebrate my victory.  I shaved 1 minute and 38 seconds off my personal best time of 35.01 from back on May 6.  Reflecting on my running journey that begun on February 13 I need to remember that I was unable to run 1 mile without stopping and walking.  It took me 19 minutes to walk, run 1.2 miles or 2 times around the big neighborhood block that first day.  The first time I ran/walked 3 miles on April 3, I took 39.19 in doing so.  And today, I covered the same distance six minutes faster.  I've gone from 13+ minute miles to just over 11 minutes per mile. I'm happy with that improvement.

I just might turn into a runner yet. 

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