For years I kept journals -- in composition, spiral bound, and French graph paper books. This blog is an attempt to get back to writing and documenting the world around me using photos, newspaper headlines, and other articles.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Snap shot

If you were at our house today around noon, this is what it would have looked like.  All the beds had fresh flannel sheets.  The living room floor was vacuumed.  I had bread rising in the warmest place in the house, a sun spot by the front door,

laundry hanging on the line,

cornbread on the oven, cooling,

and I had just made my sandwich with garden tomato, avocado, baked tofu and nutritional yeast.  Yum.

I switched compressed days this week since there is a mandatory monthly management staff meeting tomorrow.  I like having one free day every other week.  It was especially nice today because I didn't get any chores done yesterday.  I didn't feel well and I used up my energy dealing with the apples Selim and I had picked Saturday.

Speaking of Saturday, when we went to karate, Selim got his green belt before class began.  Mr. Hebert had put on my stripe after Thursday's class.  There was a big race at Gunstock that many people were participating in, so class was small. 

After class, I suggested to Selim that we go apple picking.  It took him about four hours to agree, but he did around 2:00.  It was a gorgeous afternoon -- bright sun, light breeze, and little humidity.  A perfect day for apple picking.  We weren't the only ones with that idea.  Butternut Farm was packed.  People were parking on the side of the road and in the front lawn of the big yellow house.  For an instant I worried that there wouldn't be any apples for us.  Right.  Silly.  We picked about 25-30 pounds.  

So now the challenge is to use the apples and store them in such a way so that they don't rot.  Yesterday I made a batch of spiced applesauce and a pie. 

That made a dent, but I've still got the two big bags partially full.  I saw a recipe for apple cheddar scones that I will make on Wednesday, for when mom comes over.  That will use two...

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