For years I kept journals -- in composition, spiral bound, and French graph paper books. This blog is an attempt to get back to writing and documenting the world around me using photos, newspaper headlines, and other articles.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

8 years old

My Dearest Selim,

Happy Birthday!  Around 1:30 pm eight years ago, you came into this world.  You have come such a long way from your 2 lb 2 oz beginning to your strapping size now. 

The morning started off right when cousin Joshua and Aunt Heather called and sang to you before you left for school.  As we were walking to the school bus, I warned you that I would be taking lots of pictures of you today.  At first you resisted, but then relented and accepted your fate.  While we waited, we tried to blow big breath clouds.

And then I asked you to smile for me.

I had to run back to the house to take off the zoom lens and put on the regular one so that I could take a picture of the two of us.  Because, you know, I need more of you and me, even if I did have woodjie hair.

When you were at school, I got to working on the house.  With Dede John and Grammy Valerie coming, some attention was needed.  I picked up a lot of Legos off the floor.  I unearthed the kitchen table; scrubbed off ancient ice cream spills off the coffee table; sorted toys; and vacuumed.  I baked a chocolate cake and made frosting with mascarpone cheese as the base. Yum.  I started another batch of bread.  I napped for a few minutes.

Right before you came home, the presents were wrapped and on the table.  Mimi and Patches were on the day bed, ready to hand you a small gift.  The cake was frosted and the candles were ready to be lit.  Nan and Dad were home and ready to greet you when you bounded off the bus.  You were uber excited.  It had already been a great day -- you brought in something to share; you had art class and you were anticipating more fun.

You scored -- new shirts, jammies, shark hat and gloves; Legos, books, puzzle, art supplies and a DS game.  It was quite the haul. 

I am so lucky to be your mom.  You are so full of life, joyful, happy, resourceful, and sparkly.  I love you with all my heart, my lovey lamb.


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