For years I kept journals -- in composition, spiral bound, and French graph paper books. This blog is an attempt to get back to writing and documenting the world around me using photos, newspaper headlines, and other articles.

Friday, October 12, 2012

9 year anniversary

I've been married nine years.  In some ways it is hard to believe that we have put up with each other for so long.  And yet, it doesn't seem possible that nine years has gone by already.  The day in 2003 was lovely.  I wore the best dress; carried beautiful flowers and was surrounded by friends and family.

This morning I got Selim off on the school bus, barely.  The alarm sounded and I turned it off without realizing it.  When I opened my eyes, it was 7:04.  That is not a lot of time to get my slow moving boy fed, dressed and out the door on time with a lunch and homework that I've reviewed.  But we did it. 

Since I'm working tonight and won't be around for dinner, Nedim and I had a celebratory breakfast out.  We met up with Eddie, Pauline, and Bob at the regular breakfast place and I enjoyed the friendly banter that is their usual routine.  Normally I don't go have coffee in the morning because I'm out running.  It was a fun change of pace today.

As I count my blessings today, my thoughts and prayers are with a friend from work.  He and his wife had plans to be near Savannah this week in a rented beach house close by to his grandchildren.   Instead, she is in the hospital starting chemotherapy because last week she was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer. The other day he was telling me how strong, brave and positive she is.  He is trying to match her spirit.  But when she was in the hospital bed and asked him to brush her hair, he was able to do that for a while until had to leave the room in tears.

I've been thinking about that this it is the little things that mean so much.  It is a look from across the room; the way his hand rests on my waist when we snuggle; how he laughs at me and gets squirmy when I won't stop hugging him; when he tells me that he is proud of my running accomplishments, as small as they are.  It is the way we can look at Selim together and know the toll of his first few months and share that in one glance.  Our marriage is not always easy -- we come at it from different cultural, linguistic, and religious angles, carrying our life time experiences and expectations with us that are not the same.  I'm hopeful that we can continue to go down this path of life together for many more years to come.

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