For years I kept journals -- in composition, spiral bound, and French graph paper books. This blog is an attempt to get back to writing and documenting the world around me using photos, newspaper headlines, and other articles.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The day after the election

I was so nervous yesterday.  I felt this pressure on my chest.  I was really ready for the election to be over already.  The horrible political ads made listening to non-NPR radio and watching TV almost unbearable.  At the same time, I was not 100% confident that the President would be re-elected.

After my run and breakfast, I went to vote.  On either side of the road, the political signs went on as far as your eye could see.  Impressive. 

There were "15 minute" parking signs in the lot.  Considering the line stretched out the door and along side of the building, that was an optimistic time frame for anybody to get back to their vehicle.  It took me almost a half hour to move from my place in line to pick up my ballot. 

After that, all I could do was wait for the results.  It was hard to be at work.  I wanted to be on the couch or in bed, channel surfing the different analysts.  The election was called around 11:20 for the President.  At midnight when I was driving home, NHPR still had their results analysis going on.  The race between Carol Shea-Porter and Frank Guinta was still too close to call.

After I dropped Selim off at the bus, I drove to the market and picked up the newspapers.

Locally, NH elected three women Democrats for the top three spots in this race.  Maggie Hassan elected Governor while Carol Shea-Porter and Annie Kuster will represent us in the House of Representatives.  These three ladies will join Jeanne Shaheen and Kelly Ayotte as our two women Senators.  It is pretty amazing to have the top 5 elected offices being held by women.  Go NH!

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