For years I kept journals -- in composition, spiral bound, and French graph paper books. This blog is an attempt to get back to writing and documenting the world around me using photos, newspaper headlines, and other articles.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Veteran's Day

It seems odd to say "Happy Veteran's Day."  The happy part is what I'm referring to.  I don't remember thinking a lot about joining the military when I grew up.  There weren't veterans in the family that I new about, other than Robert's father.  So I wasn't raised hearing stories of war from a first person account.  In my house, college would be the next step after high school.  I had a few classmates who joined -- one went in the Navy and the other the Coast Guard.  But military life and appreciation wasn't something paramount in my mind.

Last summer being in DC it was hard not to be reminded on a daily basis of the wars that we have fought.  I went as many of the memorials as I could.  I went to Arlington National Cemetery more than once to walk around, and I passed by a corner of it every day on the bus to FSI.


I would like to think that I have a greater appreciation now, of what service and sacrifice mean.  I am grateful to those who have served our country in uniform.  I thank the family members who stay home while their loved ones are in harms way.  It cannot be an easy life.  But my life has been made easier because of the sacrifice of others.  The life of liberty I enjoy is made in part, on the backs of those in uniform.  I am in their debt.

We had breakfast with Eddie and Pauline today.  Eddie is a Veteran and I wanted to pick up the tab, but he wouldn't let me.  He said it made him happy that Selim and I joined them so he was paying.  I told him that I should be the one to get the bill as a thank you for his service.  He wouldn't let me.  Next time, I will have to be faster in reaching for the check.

I've spent some time looking through the photos from last summer.  In honor of those who have served, these are a few of my favorites:

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