At midnight last night when I logged off my computer and tidied my desk I was so happy because I had made it through my first real week as a supervisor. Holy smokes, what a week! I'm just amazed at the difference in work load that I have experienced in the past few days. My nine and 1/2 hour shifts are flying by without much more than a minute to reflect on anything.
On Thursday night I felt the tension in my shoulders ease up a bit after I had finished auditing the last of the six suspense boxes. I took my first deep breath of the week and dropped my shoulders from ear level, back to their regular position. It was 7:30; I had been at it since 2:30. And I was up to date on one daily task. But at least I could cross that off my list. I took my dinner, romance novel and water bottle and went down to the second floor cafeteria for a change of scenery. When I went back upstairs, I felt a bit more refreshed and ready to tackle some of the other mandatory daily items still on my list.
Last night I met with six of my specialists individually to find out their goals for the year, the rotations they would like to pursue, and if they had any things in particular that I should know about. I thought the meetings went well and I learned some helpful things. I think we are off to a good start and I hope that we can continue in this vein.
On the home front, I'm trying a new thing. I don't menu plan very well, but I am writing down what I cook for dinner and tracking it on a calendar. It is hard for me to think about making dinner right after I've finished my mug of morning tea. But that is my new reality. Either I'm making dinner right after breakfast and before nap, or I'm trying to through something together after nap but before I head out the door. Neither time is the conventional dinner hour. Maybe this method of seeing what I've made during the month can help me plan better... or at least not make pesto noodles more than once a week.
In the sporting world, the Broncos and Ravens are playing in Mile High Stadium. I am rooting for the Broncos and Peyton Manning. A minute ago I thought they were well on their way to a win, but the Ravens scored a touch down with 31 seconds left on the clock. I want the career of Ray Lewis to end. I appreciate that he has been able to turn his life around after that night in Atlanta around the Superbowl when he was at a nightclub with some friends. Two men ended up stabbed to death. He was not charged with murder, but plead guilty to a lesser charge. Who knows what happened that night, and it is not my place to act as judge and jury. But I am uncomfortable with the praise heaped upon him without any mention of his past. It seems he is now the role model to end all role models and I'm wondering about the two men left dead without justice served. Now the game has gone to overtime and I don't know if I can watch the end.
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