For years I kept journals -- in composition, spiral bound, and French graph paper books. This blog is an attempt to get back to writing and documenting the world around me using photos, newspaper headlines, and other articles.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Morning pictures

The temperature was just below freezing this morning when Selim and I went to the bus stop.  The sun cast a beautiful light on the new snow.  Gorgeous.

Before the camera battery lost power, I snapped a few of the snow on the fence and the trees.  It was all glistening and new.

Yesterday was a good day.  On my way in to work. I felt the weight on my shoulders of all the tasks left undone from the night before.  I hadn't slept well because I was concerned with Selim's breathing.  I was tired.  Turns out that when I parked my car, I had pulled into a space right next to my former teammate from first shift who I hadn't seen since May.  She was delayed in leaving because she was cleaning the snow off her car.  That is the only reason our paths crossed.  But the great thing is that she had just learning that she is being promoted to supervisor as well.  And it gets better because she will be coming onto second shift. Woot!  Second shift will be getting three new supervisors and the names had been released earlier in the day.  It will be great when they come on board.

Another nice thing is that I was able to have a conversation with my manager.  I've not been able to get everything done each night that I should.  So I was able to ask her about her priorities.  If I can't squeeze in everything, what is OK to leave until the next day...or by the end of the week.  She gave me her top three things that she expects to be done every day and what can slide during the week and then what has to be done by the end of each pay period.  That was very helpful.  And I didn't feel like a failure.  I haven't gotten my groove on my new administrative responsibilities and I am struggling.  To have clarity on priorities is key to my piece of mind.

Also, she gave me some tips about running a team meeting that has a mandatory training component.  I am allowed more time than I thought.  I was able to log on to the computer in the conference room so I could work the cases electronically rather than having to make nine photocopies for each of the three training cases.  Time saver.  My meeting went was conversational rather than me talking the whole time.  I appreciated the give and take and the willingness of my team to talk and hash out the cases together.  Having my bowl of chocolate in the middle of the table didn't hurt either.

And tomorrow, I get to see my sister again.  It is going to be a great long weekend.

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