For years I kept journals -- in composition, spiral bound, and French graph paper books. This blog is an attempt to get back to writing and documenting the world around me using photos, newspaper headlines, and other articles.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

News of the day

For some reason the spellcheck isn't working right now...Mostly I don't write about politics, since it is hard to not get too worked up it all.  But it is hard to let this go by without comment.  CNN has this gem from one of the Republican candiates for president.  The reactions by other bloggers that I follow:  DiploPundit,  Multitasking,  Digger and Email from the Embassy,  say it better than I could.  My only other observation --does he know what the word diplomacy means?  Just asking.

In other sickening news, what happened at Penn State?  I love college football.  I watch sports.  If a game is on and I'm awake, I'm watching.  But the thought of tuning in to see a Penn State football right now makes me want to vomit.  Selim is just a few years younger than the boys reported in the allegations.  I can't begin to imagine the horror that those families lived through.  There are so many good pieces, but Eurgene Robinson sums it up.  Joe Paterno needs to

Back to my life...we spent a nice weekend at the Ashram.  Selim went over on Thursday with Mom.  That allowed Nedim and I to attend our first parent conference at Selim's new school.  He got a great report.  His teacher wrote that Selim is doing well in, "excellent attitude and participation, on grade level with academics, good independent worker and thinker; makes good text-self connections; gets along well with everyone."  That's my boy!

Friday was the last soccer game of the season.  Ann and Dan came up to watch and support Todd.  After, we all went down to Todd and Jen's for dinner -- take out Thai.  Delicious meal and great conversation.  It is fun when so many of the Schongalla siblings get together.  It was nice to catch up on all the family news.

Saturday morning, Robert made a game with the friends.  He hid them in the science class room and left clues around the house.  Selim is getting so that he can read the clues all by himself.  I love seeing how his reading is improving and his willingness to jump into games and give it his all.

In the afternoon Selim helped Robert dig up potatoes while I was on the couch, nursing a migrane.

And I've started a quilt project.  Somewhere in my travels I picked up two fat quarters of a Rowan fabric, titled Liberty Marylebone.  Since I spent six weeks in that London neighborhood, I decided that fabric would be the color foundation.  I washed and ironed the fabric on Thursday night.  I started cutting on Saturday afternoon and finished up when I got home on Sunday.  May be over this long weekend I can get around to piecing some of the blocks together.  I forgot how much I love playing with color and pattern.  I love it.  It soothes me.  I'm ready for a new quilt on the bed.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures of S & R. Also--yummy fabric!

