For years I kept journals -- in composition, spiral bound, and French graph paper books. This blog is an attempt to get back to writing and documenting the world around me using photos, newspaper headlines, and other articles.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


What a day -- it started with Selim throwing up at 3:00am.  It wasn't a one time thing.  I ended up changing the sheets three times.  He was so miserable.  I went out early and bought two kinds of popsicles, coke, gingerale, and bananas.  The goal of the day was to keep something in his tummy for more than an hour.  After a tough morning, he fell asleep for two hours around noon.  That seemed to brake the cycle.  Since he woke up from the nap he has had quite a bit to drink, three popsicles, a piece of toast and some banana.p

Anyway...Halloween.  He had a great time.  This was the first Halloween we have stayed in town for the event.  The previous years we went to the Ashram.  I was surprised how many older kids knocked on the door.  Because our neighborhood is a quiet one, it is a popular trick or treat place.  Parents were driving their cars into the area and dropping off their kids.  Odd.  But Selim had a great time.  He filled his plastic pumpkin and seemed to enjoy the evening.  And there isn't so much extra candy left over for me to eat.

Here are my favorite pictures of him in costume:

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